The most important thing to remain calm when your baby is crying
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How to stay calm[/caption]
For most parents one of the most stressful times is when your baby is crying for what seems like hours and doesn’t seem to be stopping. This is particularly so when your baby is usually placid and happy, settling easily and this behaviour comes out of the blue.
A myriad of thoughts often go through your mind including “is there something seriously wrong with my baby?”. This is particularly so when your baby has been so calm and relaxed and this is out of character. This is for many young babies, not just for new parents. Recently my neighbour who has baby number 5, yes 5, (and I don’t know how they do it and they are the quietest neighbours I have- go figure!!) ( My other neighbour has 2 and I hear them more – just normal kid noise- I am very fortunate to have very good neighbours).
I am waffling- any how- this neighbour with her 5th baby, called me over just to bounce off what may be happening to make her baby cry uncontrollably for the last few hours. As you can imagine the mum was agitated and upset and just needed an objective view to help her think through the situation. Her baby is normally quiet and would settle pretty easily but this one evening she just wouldn’t/ probably couldn’t settle for whatever reason. We had discussed that she could be a little unwell- possibly teething. She had a mild temperature and didn’t feed as well that day and had rosy cheeks that she didn’t usually have and probably coupled with not having had a enough sleep also, was by now overtired. She settled to sleep while I was there which made her mum feel so much better. Her mum visibly relaxed . I didn’t do anything, just gave her a chance to talk it through. Often this happens and it often happens that as the mum relaxes, the baby also relaxes a little more. The next day she was back to normal again.
Another friend of mine said to me that she had been talking with a group of mums and they were reminiscing about when their children were babies. She said that she could see now that when she gave herself permission to relax and go with the flow, her previously unsettled baby became much more relaxed. All in the group could now see, looking back on that time, that it was the same for them and the age at which they were able to do this varied. For some their baby was 4 months, some 8 mths and for my friend it was when her baby was 14 months of age.
The most important thing you can do to remain calm when everything seems to be going wrong is to
Take care of yourself with regular time outs and doing something just for you.
This should be number one thing you do- it’s a preventive action. I understand that with a baby it is difficult. I do encourage you to really consider it as a key tool to help you through the broken days and nights with little ones.
When you do this well, it fills your bucket of give and those times when your baby needs lots of your give, you will have those extra reserves to help you through these really tough times. Not caring for yourself will mean that your reserves are lower and it will take less for you to feel the stresses of having a baby. It is important for every stage of our lives but particularly when we are caring for others daily. It will help you remain calm when your baby is crying.