Tuesday, 5 August 2014

How to feel good about not breastfeeding

How to feel good about not breastfeeding

It’s World breastfeeding week.  I thought I’d do some articles relating to this theme for this month- just to change it up a bit.


Breastfeeding is one of those things that seems to either go well or not so well. Increasingly it seems that there are more stories of hardship with breastfeeding than not.


[caption id="attachment_2309" align="alignleft" width="150"]breastfeeding baby breastfeeding tips[/caption]

I have thoughts on this  but that is another topic for another day.


Did you start thinking that you would absolutely breastfeed?  Did you hold your baby in your arms and try and try to breastfeed? Did you persevere through sore, cracked, or bleeding nipples?  Did you persevere through a cranky baby who struggled to gain weight? who just didn’t settle?, maybe he or she developed jaundice from not enough milk? Did you pump and use herbs and medication?


Did you persevere for as long as you possibly could before your family imploded from the stress of trying so hard?


Did you give your baby as much breastmilk a possible for as long as possible?


Perhaps it wasn’t a supply issue. Perhaps it was related to previous trauma or life experience that made it impossible for you to breastfeed your baby. These are all real and valid reasons for breastfeeding not to work.  Any stress can impact breastfeeding to the point of supply disappearing overnight.


Did you fight the inevitable decision to stop breastfeeding for your own and your baby’s well being. Perhaps the well being of your family as well?

When you came to that decision all kicking and screaming knowing it was not what you wanted to do but felt there was no alternative, did you cry floods of tears when you ultimately made that decision ?


Did you do your best for the best outcome for your family?


Then I give you permission to not feel bad about not breastfeeding.

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