Balancing breast & bottle feeding
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When breastfeeding just doesn’t go to plan, it can be really frustrating for the mother and the family. So many times I hear women say I had to give up because I didn’t have enough milk.
There seems to be this belief that their baby either does breast or bottle feeding. This is not the case- you can do both. Just because you have a low supply doesn’t mean you have to choose one or the other. You can do both.
When this is the case, we do talk about thinking about breastfeeding differently. It does involve some mindset adjustments to change the way you think about giving your best for your baby.
Usually we talk about satisfying your baby with formula (or donor breastmilk if you have that luxury) and then breastfeeding is for topups, soothing, comforting, a drink, dessert, or an entree, an in between or overnight snack. So instead of relying on breastfeeding to satisfy your baby, your baby still gets whatever you can give but also receives calories to sustain his or her growth and development as well.
This can take a little work and a little perseverance as with all things worthwhile.
This is of course your choice and for some women their home life demands make this difficult to sustain. However I have helped so many women do just this thing.
So instead of feeling like a failure as a mother because their supply was low( for any number of different reasons) these women felt fantastic because they were giving their baby as much breastmilk as they could for as long as they could while ensuring they received enough calories for growth and development.
That sounds great - it really is heartbreaking to hear women say that they've given up on breastfeeding because they can't build up the supply, especially when they've given it their all. I'll be sharing this on my blog; it's wonderful to have this little ray of hope for women who still want to breastfeed but struggle with supply issues.