Calming a crying baby
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One of the most challenging things for new parents is their dealing with and calming their crying baby. I see new parents every week. In fact I see new parents nearly everyday and this is usually their number one issue.
For most of us crying is usually seen as a negative thing. Usually it is because it involves feelings of empathy in most of us and when we see someone else crying we know how it feels when you are so upset that it brings you to tears.
Of course there are happy tears too but for this discussion I am talking about sad tears.
For most parents when their baby cries it feels like there is something very wrong and that it is bad for your baby to cry. It doesn’t help when other people particularly strangers come up to you and give you advice on what you should do or why your baby is crying. Of course they mean well but they are more than likely prompted by their own feelings of discomfort when they hear someone cry. One parent said to me when someone did this to her in a shopping centre, “ Thank you for telling me what my baby needs, but a my baby’s mother I think I would know much better what she needs.”
What I am getting to is that baby’s cry. And yes they are telling you something but please don’t take it as a negative. When babies are little their crying is like talking only they don’t know how to put it into words yet. They are saying there is something going on with me, please help. Sometimes it is just over tired and this can seem really hard to get your head around.
If you have gone through the list of possible things it might be, such as hungry, belly ache, happy, hot, cold, wind, it is probable that your baby just needs a sleep or rest. Sometimes it can take up to 20 minutes for your baby to calm, then to relax and then to get to sleep.
If you find it is just going on or if you are feeling concerned that something is not right ,ask someone. Sometimes some reassurance is all you need or just a few different ideas on thing to try in calming a crying baby..
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