Settling 8 week old.
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A lot of people wonder what it takes and means to settle a young baby gently, supportively and appropriately. This mum was exhausted, feeling like postnatal depression was at the door, partner works away (4weeks away, 2 weeks home) family interstate, no friends with babies and struggling with baby getting only about an hour of sleep each day, using the swing and feeding for each sleep and not getting out of the house.
We had built sleep first and today we were trying to settle in the cot for the first time.
Here is the outline of what we did this morning with an 8 week old baby to help her settle.
It went like this:-
8;10 in cot, mum left room, baby quiet awake
8:17 baby starting low level whinge, mum in to calm and soothe. Mum thought maybe windy after feed so picked up baby to burp. No burp, back in cot.
Mum gently patting baby’s hip/chest as baby whinging.
8:23 Baby quiet in cot, mum sits in chair in room
8:34 Baby starts whinging- mUm puts hand on chest gently to reassure and calm.
8:37 baby quiet in cot.
8:41 baby asleep in cot. mum leaves room
Go to for free tips to get your baby’s sleep on the right track for success.
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