Little known baby sleep secrets
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Now is the time for you to take care of yourself if you are not already- this means time out just for you. Do something you enjoy.
It may be gym, walk, swim, knit, sew, read, coffee with friend, window shop, crosswords, music- You need to do something for you. It’s about self care, self respect, self value and generally taking care of your self and showing others including your baby that you respect yourself and value yourself. This is so that your children grow up learning to respect you and themselves too and that you respect yourself too. Your children learn from you from day one- they are watching you every minute of every day and know you better than you know yourself.
Remember when you feel taken care of, it fills your bucket of giving and you are a better person in all aspects of your life.
Remember you are not just a mother. Being a mother is a new role that you have taken on. It is not your only role.
Taking time for you does not mean that you love your children less. It means that you love them more because you have more to give.
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