Tuesday, 8 October 2013

gut health and you

Probiotics and gut health is a topic of discussion currently. I received this newsletter about gut health and probiotics and thought I'd share with you. I like this company( I am not an affiliate of theirs) and like their newsletters with great tips and information each month.



Lacey Swartz (KV Organics ~ Miessence)

Probiotics: More Than a Gut Feeling

By Susan Taylor, RD

Can bacteria really be "good" for you?  The answer is a resounding yes-if it is the right kind of bacteria.   A normal bowel contains an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms representing more than 500 different species.  Digestive problems may occur when the balance of friendly bacteria in your gut is disturbed - anything from taking antibiotics for an infection to damage to the lining of the intestine could do the trick. But, how do we get our gut back in balance?

Probiotics may hold the key to this dilemma.  Probiotics, the "good bacteria," come in many forms such as powders, capsules, tablets, and foods like yogurt or dairy drinks.


Recent studies have helped legitimize the use of probiotics in the treatment of many conditions such as:

  1. Infectious diarrhea in infants and children.  Lactobacillus GG has been shown useful in the treatment of this type of diarrhea as well as c-diff colitis.

  2. Crohns disease or ulcerative colitis.  Probiotics may help maintain remission of ulcerative colitis as well as prevent a relapse of Crohns disease.

  3. UTIs and yeast infections.  By restoring the normal balance of microflora, probiotics may aid in the fight against yeast infections and UTIs in women.

  4. Weak immune system.  The immune system may also benefit as probiotics may introduce friendly bacteria to help challenge the immune system in a healthy way.

Which one to choose?

With all the choices out there, how do you know which product is best?  It's always a good idea to look for a product from a reputable company whose products have been tested in research studies.  A reliable product will list the name of the specific probiotics it contains and should have verifiably living organisms that can then multiply in your gut.

A great probiotic to consider is Miessence's InLiven Probiotic Fermented Superfoods.  Based on more than 20 years of research, it contains the complete Lactobacillus family of 13 strains combined with 26 certified organic whole foods naturally fermented for 3 weeks prior to bottling.

InLiven uses an especially grown super breed of very strong Lactobacilli designed to reach the digestive tract intact so it can derive the most benefit.  Plus, the bacteria in InLiven is produced from fruits and vegetables -- not fast-tracked from fecal matter or genetically modified.  Just 1- 3 teaspoons a day can give your gut the beneficial bugs it needs to stay healthy. So why not give probiotics a try - your whole body, not just your gut will thank you!

Note: though most with gluten issues are fine with InLiven because the proteins are broken down during fermentation, those with extreme gluten concerns may wish to use or start with the liquid gluten free option Fast Tract.  Listen to the recording below for more details.



Click here for a recorded interview with Czerral, creator of InLiven and Fast Tract

Product Q&A

with Crystal Pizzaro

Question:  I have read about Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) and how many individuals with mental health symptoms are more likely to also have gut dysbiosis, beginning in childhood. I heard that probiotics can reverse the dysbiosis and return the body's gut flora to a healthy balance. Are all probiotics created equal?


Answer: Great question! No, all probiotics are not created equal. There are many issues of quality that can make a huge difference in our body's ability to benefit from a probiotic supplement.  Miessence's In-Liven Fermented Probiotic Superfoods contains 26 certified organic whole foods fermented for 3 weeks prior to bottling in order to ensure optimal absorption. The 13 strains of Lactobacillus are exposed to stressful environments in order to become a "super family" of Lactobacillus that are extra hardy against common gut assaults in modern living. Your body will thank you through improved digestion, enhanced focus, and reduced hypertension and cholesterol levels. Be sure to check out Miessence's Recipe Book for kid-approved probiotic yummy recipes.


Click here for a checklist you can use to evaluate other probiotics brands in comparison

Community Updates

Meet Lacey


Lacey Swartz is a wife and mother of five who longs to see sustainable life restored in all the world.  She enjoys sharing natural health and sustainable living resources to save her readers hours of research time, as well as answering common questions to spare her clients the waste and frustration of a trial and error approach to purchasing natural products.

Equally passionate about economic sustainability, Lacey loves helping people find smart referral programs that can help reduce or eliminate household budget lines.  And even more so, as a social entrepreneur living in an era of massive job loss, she is deeply passionate about teaching people how to wisely evaluate home business options for the greatest potential long-term success.

Having worked in the natural products and home business fields since 2005, Lacey is highly skilled at helping people understand both of these topics more fully in order to draw their own informed conclusions, without ever pushing her own opinions on anyone.  Although you'll most often find her working from home in her sweats, she is fully committed to running a consulting business of the utmost professionalism and especially thankful to be able to stay home with her young family while still putting her inner teacher and MA in Education to good use in the world.

Learn more about Lacey and her work at  KVOrganics.com

Whether as an i-Mag reader only, or as a customer also,
thank you again for being part of the Miessence Community.

Lacey Swartz   |   KVOrganics.com
Customer Service:  609-504-1802   |   lacey@kvorganics.com


Monday, 7 October 2013

Peaceful baby sleep-'It was so easy'

[caption id="attachment_2297" align="alignleft" width="150"]insync_with_infants_baby_sleep newborn baby sleep[/caption]


ONe mum I spoke with just 2 weeks ago( a colleague, also a midwife) was asking me about her 4 month old daughter who was breastfeeding all night- yes all night- up to 10 times and not sleeping during the day.


She was exhausted- they both were.


Needless to say her baby spent a lot of time in her arms, was always grizzly and with 3 other children under 7 yrs, it was not sustainable for her.


She had been avoiding doing anything because she thought it would be hard, horrible and include screaming.


She told me yesterday that she had 7 hours sleep this week in one go. And her baby daughter had 2 x 2 hr sleeps in the day.


She was amazed at how easy it was once she got her head around how to do it. She even finds time for herself now. She can’t believe how much more energy she has, how happy her baby is and that she even likes to go in her cot now.

If you know of someone who may benefit like this, please share far and wide, they can start with the free tips on my website-insyncwithinfants.com or call and we can arrange a time to chat. Leisa

Friday, 4 October 2013

Brisbane newborn Baby sleep Help

[caption id="attachment_2287" align="alignleft" width="150"]insync_with_infants_group_sleep_talk Ipswich_My_Midwives_baby_sleep[/caption]


                 Brisbane newborn Baby sleep Help

For anyone in Brisbane or Gold Coast looking for help with their baby's sleep- here is

your answer. Here is a pic of me at Ipswich My midwives, talking with their mums about all important                       sleep.




From newborns to 4 year olds, your questions have answers, your problems have solutions, it is not impossible.  Whether you want to cuddle your baby, wear your baby, or use a  cot or pram, with some time spent on working through what 's working for you and your baby and what's not, you'll find what is right  for you.

ONe mum I spoke with just 2 weeks ago( a  colleague, also a midwife) was asking me about her 4 month old daughter who was breastfeeding all night- yes all night- up to 10 times and not sleeping during the day.  She was exhausted- they both were. Needless to say her baby spent a lot of times in her arms and with 3 other children under 7 yrs, it was not sustainable for her.  She had been avoiding doing anything because she thought it would be incredibly hard, unbelievably horrible and include crying and screaming for both of them.  She told me yesterday that she had 7 hours sleep last night  in one go.  And her baby daughter had 2 x 2 hr sleeps in the day.  She was amazed at how easy it was once she got her head around how to do it.  She even finds time for herself now. She can't believe how much more energy she has, how happy her baby is and that she even likes to go in her cot now.

You can have these results too.  Start with your free tips on our home page.  We are here to help. Leisa