Sunday 19 August 2012

Infant massage

Infant massage

Most of us have heard about infant massage.   A large number of us enjoy massage as adults. Not everyone does- I acknowledge that, however, the proof remains that gentle touch is important for all and especially babies and children.  It is something that is comforting to all for our whole lives.

There is often speculation from those who don’t enjoy massage themselves a to how it is helpful for babies.  The following quote  sums it up:

“When parents and babies are attuned (or tuned in) to each other, they use lots of facial expressions, eye contact and physical touch to communicate and interact. This communication helps a baby regulate not only their emotions, but also their vital functions such as heart rate (e.g. Morgan, Horne & Bergman, 2011), hormone levels, and even brain function” (Schore, 2006).(taken from AIMA)

When babies are relaxed, they are happier and easier to care for in that their cues are more clear.  Massage can be very useful particularly in those early months to help soothe and settle babies. Infant massage used regularly can help  parent and baby form and strengthen their bond. The use of massage regularly has a cumulative effect and works more effectively than when used sporadically or only when the baby is wound up.

Infant massage can be done by mums and dads.  All you need is a comfortable surface for your baby at a height that is comfortable for you.  Use a warmed 100% pure vegetable or plant oil and use long, calm strokes along the full length of limbs and down their back and tummy.  Ensure the air temperature is nice and comfortable so your baby enjoys getting naked and not too cold.

For parents wanting to learn specifics of infant massage there are many courses run by massage professionals to help you. The International Association of infant massage – website below-

has interesting reading and links  relating to infant massage including books, and free publications.

Of course it goes without saying that infant massage can enhance sleep for your baby just by helping your baby relax.


  1. Very nice article about massage . Thanks

  2. Hi. Thanks for your comment. By the way how did you find my site? Leisa
