Sunday 13 May 2012

Sleep Builds Sleep

Sleep , sleep and more sleep.  Those of you who know me and my philosophy on sleep which I learned from learning, observation and helping 100’s of families with this topic, know that I see that sleep builds sleep.

It becomes clear that as a baby or toddler and even children and adults manage to get more sleep, they find it easier to go to sleep  each time.  My theory is that they learn what to do, they learn that they feel better after good sleep, and they are no longer overtired which makes it harder to get to sleep for all of us because we are too wound up and find it hard to relax and switch off.

That is all very well and good but how do you get the sleep in the first place.

Starting the process is the most challenging part and does required understanding of sleep and consistency in what you teach your baby or toddler for sleep.

Routines are very helpful to help sleep grow.  They work by giving your baby or toddler consistent signals and habits in what to do.  Babies, toddlers and children thrive with consistent habits or routines because they can predict what will happen and so they feel safe and secure.  When their world is predictable, they know what to expect.

When you change what they know, they will protest initially because they want what they know.  With consistency and working in with how they are thinking, it can be achieved relatively painlessly.

Starting helpful sleep habits and routines early can be a great benefit to helping your baby sleep adequately.  When babies get plenty of sleep they are happier and enjoy their world much more, they are more interactive and responsive.

Parents consistently comment on how happy their baby is when they have managed to help them develop helpful sleep habits to get more sleep.


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