Saturday 14 April 2012

Who is in your community?

“It takes a community to bring up a child”.  This is repeated by so many.  I have heard it so often I don’t know where it originated from.  I think even my grandmother said it at some time in one of her moments of wisdom sharing.  She doesn’t say much of those things but having had 12 herself – she would know!! It is true though.  We do expect a lot from mothers, particularly new mothers.  Not only do they have to perform well in their new “job” of being a mother, they have to do it on interrupted  and often very little sleep.  What if you went to a new job and did this?  You probably wouldn’t last very long. Luckily you can’t get sacked from being a parent. Babies are very forgiving and as long as you are there  and trying they are pretty happy.  As things fall into place, you get more sleep and your baby gets more sleep, things start to come together.  Suddenly or most times, slowly, you can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. Or at least a glow of light. Okay, for some it is a glimmer for a while, however, for most it does work out and wha la- there is light!! Having a community to help you can bring the light quicker. Your community can be large or small, friends, family or even hired help. Even though we live in a privileged time in history particularly in western countries, we still need that support. That is one thing that will not change as long as we are human. Your community is important for sharing experience, listening ear, giving you a break and any number of practical things like food. Getting your needs met means your baby has a better chance of getting their needs met.  Particularly the big things like your baby getting more sleep  or even at all.

So who is in your community??

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