Sunday 24 July 2011

Understanding Sleep Patterns

Newborn sleep patterns

Understanding sleep patterns

Questions about newborn sleep patterns often arise for new parents sometime in the first month.

Often new babies will come home feeding and sleeping like a dream.  At some stage they begin to wake up and let the world know they are here.  This is commonly when parents think what happened to our perfect baby?  In reality, nothing has happened to them, they are just waking up.
Newborn sleep patterns can be challenging , however when you learn to read the signals your baby is giving it becomes much easier.
Baby won't sleep

At Insync with infants, we will teach you what to do when your baby won't sleep.  Not only will you feel confident in knowing what to do when this happens, we will teach how to minimise the times your baby won't sleep by teaching you to interpret their cues and needs.

Again as your baby grows, we will teach you appropriate techniques to help your baby sleep. You will learn all the tips to ensure your baby gets the rest and sleep they need, so that times your baby won't sleep decrease dramatically.

Our goal is to help you teach your baby to self settle as they grow and develop so they are not reliant on you for their sleep.  The times your baby won’t sleep will become a thing of the past.
Baby sleeping on stomach

We often hear parents say they have their baby sleeping on their stomach because it is the only way they will sleep.  We will explore this with you and discuss the reasons why having your baby sleeping on their stomach is discouraged.

As your baby gets older you may find your baby sleeping on their stomach by choice.  Certainly as your baby develops they will move around in their cot just as they do on the floor at play. When they are just learning to roll they may get stuck in some positions and we need to help them get out of it.  Until they are co ordinated enough to move themselves easily we need to help them.

The team at Insync with infants will guide you through when your baby won't sleep, when your baby is sleeping on their stomach and also teach you what is acceptable with regard to newborn sleep patterns and habits as your baby grows right up to toddler age.



  1. Great information, my newborn babies sleep patterns have been difficult for us. We'll be in touch soon, thank you!


  2. Look forward to helping out.
