Here are our top tips to breastfeed safely while indulging in a little Christmas cheer.
The recommendation is for no alcohol while you are breastfeeding. This is because
whatever is in your bloodstream also goes across to the breast milk. Think of your bloodstream and milk as being separated by a sort of mesh barrier. Some things get across the mesh easily some do not.
If you have a newborn or if you are feeding round the clock it is harder to fit in alcohol unless you “pump and dump” and give your baby a bottle of either expressed milk or formula. Once your baby is feeding through the day and having a long break through the night, a standard drink of alcohol can be accommodated more easily.
Generally we would allow 2 hours per standard drink to get out of your system (and out of your milk). So if your baby feeds at 6pm and then not again till 2 am, a drink with dinner now and then can be accommodated. You can plan ahead. If you know you are going to have a few drinks, say at a party, then you can express beforehand, maybe over a week or so, so that there is breastmilk available for your baby while you are out and possibly for after you get home, depending on the amount of alcohol you have consumed.
Remember you may not have had a drink for quite sometime. Most mothers really feel the effects of alcohol when they haven’t had it for a while. Cautious drinking isn’t just good for your baby, it will help you to have an enjoyable time and avoid feeling unwell the next day.
There is more in depth information about this topic on the Australian breastfeeding association website
Our breastfeeding ebook covers this and more get it here
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