Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Are your mornings starting earlier and earlier? Here’s why and what to do about it

3-baby-waking- early-insync-with-infantsAlmost every baby  I know wakes earlier in the mornings as summer arrives and it gets lighter in the morning. The reason is partly earlier light- the sun is up earlier- hence biorhythms kick in earlier.


It’s our Natural body clock and biorhythms.


Remember we were once cavemen with no lights and no alarm clocks, so in those seasons when the sun was up earlier so were we. And the seasons it was dark earlier we also went to bed earlier. It’s those seasonal changes that we can adapt to and it is healthy to have differences in our day with the seasonal changes. Remember work long hours in harvest and rest more when it’s done. The birds know this - that’s why we hear them earlier in the lighter months too.


To get back on track we just need to set up habits and routines that say to your baby- It’s not time to get up out of bed yet. Your little one can be awake happily in their cot until it is time to start the day with a little practice.


If you want to start your day that early- that is fine. Do what works for your family.


Keep an eye on your little ones’ tired cues throughout the day. He or she may need  an extra nap if the day is really long due to an extra-early start.  Keep sleep a sacred part of your and his or her day. Staying on top of overall sleep will help combat this earlier waking too.


Get your insights into baby sleeping here at http://insyncwithinfants.com/baby-sleep/

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