Sunday, 6 April 2014

Sleeping baby- Why doesn’t my baby just go to sleep?

Sleeping baby- Why doesn’t my baby just go to sleep?


[caption id="attachment_1803" align="alignleft" width="150"]baby sleep problem baby-not-sleeping[/caption]

Sleeping baby usually brings images of cute baby, laughing baby and smiling baby. We all fall in love with a baby who is relaxed, happy and is easy to care for. A baby who seemingly sleeps easily, wakes happy, feeds well and is generally a joy to be with.


For many new parents this is only a dream in the first weeks and months as they struggle to work out how to help their precious newborn baby be one who is a smiling baby more often than not.


Many new parents wonder why my baby doesn’t sleep even though he or she is tired.  This can certainly be a confusing time for parents. After all babies are easy to look after aren’t they?  They are so small surely it can’t be that bad?

It is many a parent who says how can something so small because so much work and take up so much time? Where did my cute baby go?


So why doesn’t a newborn baby just go to sleep when they are tired?   It is important to remember that a newborn baby is immature.  He or she is completely dependent on their caregiver for everything and they know this.  Your baby is also very responsive and geared for survival. Their senses are taking in everything in their environment so they can learn as quickly as possible.  The difficult thing is that your baby may find it difficult to switch off when they are feeling saturated with stimulating activities. All their sense are turned on for survival so sight, sound, touch and smell are all turned up.


Babies can get overstimulated really easily.  Often more quickly than we think is reasonable. When your baby changes from being a cute baby and smiling baby to one who is cranky, it often means that he or she needs to sleep.  Your baby is relying on your to help him or her to get to sleep.


If you have a sleeping baby you will have a laughing baby who is happy and easier to care for and enjoy

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