Monday, 29 April 2013

Breastfeeding problems

Breastfeeding problems



I thought I would share for those few of you who have experienced a sensation of dread or deep emotion in the pit of your stomach relating to breastfeeding- there is something called dysmorphic milk ejection reflex. It is real and affects only a small percent of women. The feeling is fleeting- lasts up to a few minutes with the let down. For those of you thinking you are weird- you are not alone- and not weird. ♥ Leisanewborn baby help

Sunday, 28 April 2013

7 things you may not know about insync with infants

[caption id="attachment_2121" align="alignleft" width="150"]Baby sleeps through the night Baby sleeps through the night[/caption]

     7 things you may not know about insync with     infants

   I thought I’d share with you what insync with infants is about and how it came about that we offer support  with newborn care and sleep.

1. I have no bias as to one way of doing things. I like merits in natural parenting, attachment parenting, positive parenting, mindful parenting, aware parenting and present parenting. The commonalities I see in all these is parents finding a philosophy that suits them with a focus on mutual respect. My goal and skill is to support you in finding your way.

2. I enjoy working with new parents particularly. They are full of questions, ideals and conflicting thoughts and wanting to get it right.  Again my goal and role is to support parents in finding their way and explore ideas and ways that feel right for them and build their confidence and self belief  that they are a “good ” parent and doing the “right” thing.

3. I like to look at the big picture with babies and families. Things are inter related.  The areas of sleep and feeding pose the earliest and most confounding challenges and are usually linked.  By a process of elimination together we can usually nut out a plan and get to a solution.




4. Feeding and sleep are my areas of interest and skill. I have done extensive research, reading and practice in these areas on top of my formal studies.




5. I like that I can round out understanding of why your baby does what he or she does and  when he or she is likely to do some things with my knowledge of development and my broad experience.




6. I started insync with infants to offer parents just like you, a more individualised opportunity to explore your ideas and difficulties around sleep and caring for a new baby and find the answer that suits your circumstances.  It means that I can spend the time to discuss preferences, ideals, values etc  and  have the freedom to personalise plans and strategies to suit individuals.




7. So what does Insync with infants  stand for??

Being in tune with your baby so that you find strategies and practices that help you parent the way that feels right for you .




Ultimately, parenting is the hardest job of all and the most rewarding. We believe that there is a current change sweeping the globe of parents looking for ideas and alternatives that they may be unaware of, that may be suited to their ideals and values. Our goal is to encourage more confident, empowered parents with happy, relaxed little ones and enjoying healthy attachments. Healthy sleep is just part of the puzzle, however one of the main foundations of healthy attachments.

Friday, 26 April 2013

3 Biggest Mistakes parents make that stops their baby sleeping

3 Biggest Mistakes parents make that stops their baby sleeping


Our WEbinar on Wednesday is full.  Thank you to all those who are registered.

There will be reminders coming to your inbox.  I look forward to "seeing" you on Wednesday night.

For those still thinking about it -they will be monthly so if you are interested in the next one, maybe sorry you missed this one or still thinking about it, let me know and I will put you on the list for next month.

I am available on Tuesdays at Ross Crt Cleveland for face to face consults- as short as 15 minutes for a quick chat or up to 90 minutes for indepth planning, trouble shooting and finding your sleep mojo.

Feel free to enquire on 0407753504.
Please share far and wide- there is someone out there who will be so greatful you told them.

5556bc89ed7e4e796b717305af987845 Leisa ♥

Sunday, 21 April 2013

The 3 Biggest Mistakes parents make that stops their baby sleeping-FREE Webinar

We are bringing you a FREE webinar where you will discover the 3 biggest mistakes parents make that stops their baby sleeping.

Register here to attend-

All you need is your computer or iphone and internet connection.

Join me - Wednesday 1st May, 8pm in the comfort of your own home.

Find out the common mistakes most parents make out of sheer frustration so that you can avoid them and be one of the few who are in the know enjoying  your happy and relaxed baby.

See you the 1st.

Hope you can join us!  There will be a recorded version so even if you can't make it live, register NOW!!

Newborn sleepThere is  a way to your baby sleeping better without hours of crying, I promise.  


3 most important things you must know for your baby to sleep

3 most important things you must know for your baby to sleep


Baby sleep is the most talked about, the most questioned  and the most frustrating thing for new parents. 

If someone could bottle it , it would be worth an absolute fortune.  It is a common question to ask what about  those babies who seem to sleep easily?  What do they have or do that makes it seem so easy?

 Certainly parents who have more than one baby, often see a difference from one child to the next.  For some the first baby sleeps easily. For others the second child sleeps easily.   When you are in the throes of sleep deprivation it is hard to work out the difference as to why one child sleeps well and the other not so well.

The 3 key basic requirements for any baby to sleep easily are:

1. Your baby is well.  This just means that there is nothing causing your baby to feel yucky.  If your baby is unwell such as tummy upsets or having a cold or some illness, they may have pain associated with it (eg headache) then this will undermine any attempts for your baby to sleep.  When your baby is feeling well and comfortable, he or she can relax enough to go off to sleep.   If your baby doesn’t sleep well because of being unwell, once you fix the cause, often sleep falls into place more easily.

2.   Your baby feels comfortable.    Usually this would be things like gut upsets or discomforts caused by foods, formula, pain from teething, reflux or wind, feeling too hot or too cold.  This can also mean not quite being satisfied and needing just a little more feeding.  While your baby is uncomfortable  he or she will find it harder to go to sleep.  If they do go to sleep it is often from exhaustion and often only for a short time.   Once this discomfort is fixed, your baby can then go off to sleep more easily.

3. Your baby needs to feel secure.  This is more so for newborns and up to about 3 to 4 months of age.  In this time, your baby is very immature and needs to build trust that all his or her needs will be met.   Most parents do this very well and by the time your baby is over 4 months they have built up the trust in you  to give them what they need.  For newborns, swaddling gives them a sense of security when not in your arms.  If your baby settles well without swaddling – great.  If not- it may be worth considering.  Incidentally, there are a number of ways to swaddle and some are more effective than others.

 Once you know that these basics are  sorted, then we would look more at what else is happening for sleep but  making sure that your baby is well, is not uncomfortable and feels secure are the first things to work on to ensure your baby gets  good sleep.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Long and short sleeps- what’s the difference?


Long and short sleeps- what’s the difference?

long and short sleeps

 Some of you may have heard about  your baby having a long sleep or having a short sleep.  What is the difference?  What makes a short sleep and what makes a long sleep and what is the significance?  Well ,  here are the basics.

We all have sleep cycles.  Very broadly we go to sleep, have a very short deep sleep and come to a light sleep. Of course sleep is much more complex than this.  I have just simplified it here to the main points to make it easier to illustrate.

 The first sleep cycle is usually the shortest.  You can see the end of a cycle when your little one stirs or wakes up after a certain amount of time that you can usually predict.  For example, people will say “ He only sleeps for 30 minutes, never longer”. This would lead me to think that this particular child’s sleep cycle is 30 minutes.

 Newborns often have only short sleep cycles.  They are often only about 20 minutes long.  Newborns may or may not get past the first sleep cycle.  It is normal for newborns to wake frequently.  As your baby grows and matures, sleep will mature too.

When your baby only sleeps for one cycle we would term that a short sleep.  When  your baby sleeps longer and gets into the second cycle, that would be termed a long sleep.  In the second cycle is when your baby gets the deep restorative sleep.

A short sleep may be all that your baby needs for this particular sleep time.  Babies under about 12 months often have a number of sleeps a day and some of them may be short sleeps.   

The key is to watch your baby’s behaviour,  know the signs and be able to take action in a timely fashion so that your baby doesn’t become over tired.

Sensational baby sleep

Thank you to all who came for our first ever FREE information session this morning at Ross Crt Cleveland.  Already some of the participants have had improved sleep for their baby.
The next one will be 14th May. Topic to be advised.
Space is limited so bookings are essential. Mark it in your calendar and see you then. Leisa

[caption id="attachment_2083" align="alignleft" width="150"]sleep changes as your baby ages 0-18 months sleep changes as your baby ages 0-18 months[/caption]

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Newborn baby help

IMG_0733            Crazy busy week this week with lots of newborn baby help.  It's energising and  love seeing

mums & dads see a new way and possibilities when they overcome some obstacles

with little ones.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Feeling confused about your baby's sleep?

Confused about your baby's sleep??

Join us at Ross Crt, Cleveland , Tuesday 16th April from 9.30 am.  Limited seating so be sure to make sure of yours. Call 0407753504.

Find out how sleep changes as your baby ages 0-18 months.
sleep changes as your baby ages 0-18 months
sleep changes as your baby ages 0-18 months

Saturday, 6 April 2013

How will I know if my baby is allergic to foods?

How will I know if my baby is allergic to foods?Capture


The word on starting solids and allergies is confusing for most- parents and health professionals alike. We seem to be moving away from restricting traditionally allergy inducing foods such as eggs, nuts, dairy and wheat  when starting babies on solids.



It is becoming more widespread that offering babies small amounts of variety of foods can be beneficial in reducing food allergy in children.  We have to accept that it is common for babies and children to have food intolerances and sensitivities.


The big question is how did this happen.  Of interest to note is that people living in Asia, consuming an Asian diet have very little food reactions.  When these same people adopt a western type of food diet the incidence of food reactions increase to reflect the population  they have adopted.


So what is it?  I don’t have the answer but I suspect it’s that we live in a toxic world.  I believe it is not only in the food we ingest but also the things in our environment. Nothing new and startling – just sensible.


Why do I think this?  Because foods  which were considered “safe” from a  reaction point of view are not necessarily safe any longer.  We are now seeing reactions to potato and rice- once noted to be considered safe  not so long ago.


So what do I think?  I think introduce  whole foods- that is real tangible foods like fruit and vegetables that your family eats and you need to prepare yourself.  Introduce one new food for 3 times  before considering it safe and slowly increase variety in their food repertoire.  Where you can choose organic do so.  For many that is cost prohibitive.  The most important thing is to offer real foods, washed, no chemicals if possible.  When starting offer soft textures in your foods.


If a food does not agree with your baby the reactions will be one or more of  the following– unexplained and out of character constipation, skin rashes, vomiting, windy, or tummy pain.


There is of course some other factors to consider  when starting solids.  These are my basic thoughts on food and food reactions. future articles will cover more aspects of food and your baby.





Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Remember You

Remember youhappy-daysused


Remember you are you.  When you have a baby it is easy to get caught up in being a mother.  Afterall that is what your day to day is – being a mother, particularly in the first months.


Caring for a newborn is round the clock and as they get  more mature it drops off a little and you get a breather  now and then.


One of the most important things to remember for your self care is that you are still you.  You have taken on a new role as a mother, but you are still you and your needs and wants are still real and valid. Taking care of a newborn is constant.  One of the secrets to happy relaxed babies is a happy relaxed environment and parents.  This is why remembering you are you and taking care of you is important.


I often talk about self care with parents.  This links in to that.  We all need to have time out for us no matter where we are in life.  Taking time out even for 5 minutes  just gives us that breather to be able to take stock of our lot, be thankful for all the blessings we have and recharge enough to keep going doing all that we do.


Remembering you means that you also stop and check your feelings about life in general and if not happy with something, how can you change it so that it is better?


Remembering you means you can be a positive role model for your children and others in your network. It shows  and models self respect. When we show it to ourselves, others see it too.


No –one is perfect – not you and not me.  We are all trying our best to do what we do everyday as best we can and learn along the way.


So one of the biggest pieces of advice is remember you are still you.  Remember to take time for you- even if it is only 5 minutes everyday if possible, doing something you like to do.


You will appreciate it and so will your little ones -  and big ones. <3

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Babies suck to soothe

Remember young babies suck to soothe. They may suck in their sleep. Sometimes you may think your baby is feeding when he or she is actually sleeping. It can be tricky and can, in the longer term become an inadvertent sleep association. It can be confusing. If you know what to look for it is easily managed.

A word about dummies/pacifiers

I always hear parents agonising over using a dummy for sleep. Dummies /pacifiers can be helpful for young babies who need to suck a lot for various reasons. Dummy use is probably more common in bottle fed babies (no judgement intended here) just because generally babies take bottles more quickly than they do breastfeeding. ♥ Leisa