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Baby sleeps through the night[/caption]
7 things you may not know about insync with infants
I thought I’d share with you what insync with infants is about and how it came about that we offer support with newborn care and sleep.
1. I have no bias as to one way of doing things. I like merits in natural parenting, attachment parenting, positive parenting, mindful parenting, aware parenting and present parenting. The commonalities I see in all these is parents finding a philosophy that suits them with a focus on mutual respect. My goal and skill is to support you in finding your way.
2. I enjoy working with new parents particularly. They are full of questions, ideals and conflicting thoughts and wanting to get it right. Again my goal and role is to support parents in finding their way and explore ideas and ways that feel right for them and build their confidence and self belief that they are a “good ” parent and doing the “right” thing.
3. I like to look at the big picture with babies and families. Things are inter related. The areas of sleep and feeding pose the earliest and most confounding challenges and are usually linked. By a process of elimination together we can usually nut out a plan and get to a solution.
4. Feeding and sleep are my areas of interest and skill. I have done extensive research, reading and practice in these areas on top of my formal studies.
5. I like that I can round out understanding of why your baby does what he or she does and when he or she is likely to do some things with my knowledge of development and my broad experience.
6. I started insync with infants to offer parents just like you, a more individualised opportunity to explore your ideas and difficulties around sleep and caring for a new baby and find the answer that suits your circumstances. It means that I can spend the time to discuss preferences, ideals, values etc and have the freedom to personalise plans and strategies to suit individuals.
7. So what does Insync with infants stand for??
Being in tune with your baby so that you find strategies and practices that help you parent the way that feels right for you .
Ultimately, parenting is the hardest job of all and the most rewarding. We believe that there is a current change sweeping the globe of parents looking for ideas and alternatives that they may be unaware of, that may be suited to their ideals and values. Our goal is to encourage more confident, empowered parents with happy, relaxed little ones and enjoying healthy attachments. Healthy sleep is just part of the puzzle, however one of the main foundations of healthy attachments.