Monday, 25 April 2011

Fenugreek, Breast feeding, and Increasing Breast Milk Supply

Mothers have been breastfeeding their young since the beginning of time. Generally speaking, breastfeeding goes well. Sometimes though, breastfeeding mom run into issues. One of the most common problems is low breast milk supply.

With all the pressures that moms have on them in this day and age, it's not surprising that they don't have all day to devote to strictly breastfeeding. At the same time, this can hurt their milk supply. To make breast milk, you have to breastfeed or pump often.

Present day moms have all types of resources available to them including modern day medicines and breast pumps. In the past though, breastfeeding moms didn't have these things. Yet they managed to breastfeed successfully. I'm sure that they had many of the same issues we did. Somehow though they were able to make enough breastmilk without using modern day medicine.

Fenugreek seeds is one of the most well-known products to use when experiencing low breast milk supply. And our ancestors knew just how well herbs such as these worked. Fenugreek seeds have been used traditionally to increase breast milk supply, and they are still recomended and used to this day because of how well it works. Even wet nurses in the past were known to use these herbs to increase milk supply due to having to breastfeed more than one baby.

Fenugreek seeds is generally the first product breastfeeding mothers try when experiencing low milk supply. It's also the most recommended by lactation consultants.  For some moms though, they don't give the increase in milk supply that they need. At this point, it's time to try a combination of herbs. A great product to try is Breastea.

When breastfeeding moms use a combination of herbs, they work off each other. This gives the breastfeeding mom with low milk supply their best shot at increasing it. This is assuming that mom is breastfeeding or breast pumping often. Without breastfeeding or breast pumping often, mom will find that her milk supply keeps dropping until there is nothing left. To make milk you have to breastfeed or pump every 2 to 3 hours.

If you are breast pumping, make sure to use an electric breast pump. The best possible one is a hospital grade breast pump. You can rent these at your local medical supply store for about $40 a month. Many times your insurance company will cover these. If you plan on pumping, you need to use a breast pump that will effectively pump the breastmilk out. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time and money.

Steps to increasing breast milk supply;

1. Breastfeed (or pump) often. Don't go over 3 hours during the day or 4 hours overnight without breastfeeding or pumping. Skipping even one time will hurt your milk supply. For best milk supply possible, simply breastfeed as often and as long as baby wants.

2. If you are experiencing issues with milk supply, make sure to talk to a lactation consultant. They are trained to help breastfeeding moms. If you are experiencing low milk supply due to bad latch, etc, they can help you to get baby latched on right.

3. Make sure to continue taking your prenatal vitamin. Get plenty of fluids, food, and rest.

4. If experiencing low milk supply, consider taking fenugreek seeds. Even better, use a product like Breastea that contains several herbs recommended for increasing milk supply. If you try the Fenugreek Seeds and don't see an increase in milk production within a week, move on to a product that contains several herbs. Many moms have increased breast milk supply by using a combination product. Most moms don't realize that when you are using an herbal product, you have to use it often. Don't skip!  

5. Be dedicated to increasing your milk production. Give your body time to increase breastmilk supply.

All kinds of circumstances and situations can cause low breast milk supply. If you are experiencing it though, don't automatically give up breastfeeding. If your low milk supply is due to simply not breastfeeding enough, then start breastfeeding more. During this time, you might start using herbs like Fenugreek Seeds or Breastea until you get your milk supply back up.


By: Amy Smith  -   About the Author :
  Amy is a lactation professional who has worked with many breastfeeding moms.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Three Simple Solutions to Help your 5 Month Infant Sleep

Are you tired of waking up every night trying to get your 5 month infant sleep? Do you wonder if you will ever sleep through the night again? I don’t think that there is anything in the world more frustrating for a new parent than to hear the cries of their baby who just will not sleep at night. Relax and read on; here are three simple tips that will help your 5 month infant sleep.

1). A Mothers Scent – One of Their Favorite Toys: Babies love to have a security object, or toy that they want around that helps them feel safe and secure. This could be a blanket, stuffed animal or any other object. During the day when your child is awake; keep this object as close to Mom as possible. Babies have a great sense of smell, and over time Mom's scent will rub off on the object. If the baby is startled awake, and that is object nearby, the baby will smell Mother and immediately feel relaxed, comfortable and safe, since they'll feel that you are still nearby.

2). Set Consistent Eating Habits: Sometimes, your baby will forget to eat during the day if they are distracted by playtime or other activities. Of course, it is your responsibility to feed the child, but; try to feed your baby at the same times throughout each day. This teaches them that eating is usually done during the day and sleeping is usually done at night. Setting a consistent eating schedule will help to reinforce this training.

3). Going Into a Deep Sleep: Most babies will not fall instantly into deep sleep; instead, the first 15-20 minutes are spent in light sleep. You may notice that your baby will wake once or twice during this first 15-20 minutes. You may even find that your baby will struggle to stay awake during this short period of light sleep, which is because your baby simply does not like to be alone. Invest an extra 10 or 15 minutes with your baby. Stay with them a short time, until they fall into a deep sleep. When they do, the likelihood of sleeping peacefully throughout the night is greater.

Sleep is such an important and necessary part of all our daily lives and it is critical to try and figure out how to get the necessary sleep each night. It can be hard to try and get the right amount of sleep each and every night. It is possible but first you need to help your 5 month infant sleep through the night. Are you ready to say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to sleeping all night long? It is time to get the correct information and there are just a few more pieces to put together before you are ready to help your 5 month infant sleep through the night.

Do you wonder whether you'll ever sleep all the way through the night again? Relax! I have found you a reassuring guide that provides the essential information you need to help your 5 month infant sleep -- and stay asleep -- all night long. So cheer up: go to -- a good night's sleep is just a few short pages away!

By: Peter Dugan  -   About the Author :
  Do you wonder whether you'll ever sleep all the way through the night again? Relax! I have found you a reassuring guide that provides the essential information you need to help your 5 month infant sleep -- and stay asleep -- all night long. So cheer up: go to -- a good night's sleep is just a few short pages away!

Monday, 18 April 2011

The Truth Behind Breastfeeding

As a part of the campaign against obesity, the First Lady, Michelle Obama has been promoting breastfeeding, given that, the said practice could help to lessen the chance of obesity for both of the infant and the mother. However, the campaign faces criticisms and disagreements especially that there are various politicians that do not advocate the said drive.

Why such a fuss in breastfeeding? Some say that the reason for the disapproval is political, but some think that it is due to practical reasons. Yet, the outcry for breastfeeding practice is constantly a concern, not just these days but also even before. To make things clear, it is a must that before looking unto the opinions of the politicians, we must first see and hear the outlooks of men wearing cotton scrubs and nursing clogs on what breastfeeding may bring unto the health of the mother and child. We often heard rumours, but it is a need to try to have a glimpse of the fact that surrounds the issue of breastfeeding. Here are some of them.

Size of Breast

Any size of breast could breastfeed. Actually, size doesn't matter when it comes to breastfeeding. And after the breastfeeding process, your breast will return to its actual size before you breastfed, though some women experienced to have breasts that seemed smaller than before. If you want assurance with regards to this matter, you may ask your doctor in cotton scrubs or nurses wearing nursing clogs.


It is recommended that for the first six months of the babies' life, mothers should breastfeed them. This could be done up to two years of their age. Beyond two years of breastfeeding though not prohibited, is quite impractical, for at that age, the child must already have learned to eat solid food. I remember, that I've read a case of a New Yorker mother who breastfed her child even at 3 years old, for, it was reported that she experienced sexual arousal while breastfeeding. The said mother lost the custody for her child in a year, since the authority feared that she may sexually abuse her child.

Benefits for the Infant

Several studies had been conducted to prove the benefits of breastfeeding. Its first and totally proven benefit is higher immune system that may prevent several illness and infections. Men and women in cotton scrubs and nursing clogs could attest to that. With regards to the notion that breastfed babies are more intelligent than those who don't, there are actually varied data and results. Some studies assumed that it has no effect and some said that it has. Obesity also could be prevented due to breastfeeding since the milk of mothers has low fat compared to commercial milks and solid foods.

Benefits for the Mother

It is not only the child that may benefit from breastfeeding but also the mother. It is said that breastfeeding nurture the bonding between the mother and the child. According to some studies, it could also prevent breast cancer and ovarian cancer of mothers. It was also reported that breastfeeding may help to lessen obesity of mothers, though diverse results from researches seemed unclear.

Those who must not Breastfeed

Though, breastfeeding is highly recommended, there are some cases that it is not advisable. Mothers who are infected by HIV, has untreated tuberculosis and are taking certain drugs must not breastfeed their child, if, they want their children to live long and be healthy. This is to prevent infection of the infant through the milk of the mother.

Cultural Differences

Different cultures have different practices of breastfeeding and with different beliefs too. In the Western world extended breastfeeding is quite forbidden, thus resulting for some mothers to practice closet nursing. In Africa, it is natural for more than one woman to breastfeed a child. Muslim women could also practice shared breastfeeding, though it is their cultural custom to consider the child that they breastfeed as their own blood-child.

Breastfeeding is Personal

Breastfeeding your child will always be a personal choice. No one could manipulate you or oblige you to breastfeed or not, especially nowadays that working moms are quite common. And speaking of Obama's campaign, it is not imposing a mandatory action towards the mothers but is just giving a choice. Well, the choice is always yours as a mother.

By: Steven Greggs  -   About the Author :
  Steven Greggs is a product consultant for cotton scrubs, nursing clogs and other apparels, uniforms and scrubs.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Seek Breastfeeding Help From Professionals

As a first-time mother, you might be quite unaware of the techniques and intricacies of breastfeeding and in such a situation breastfeeding help can be a good source of much needed information. You can get proper advice regarding many aspects of breastfeeding such as how to take care of the baby, the right time to feed it, what type of feed you should take, when you should go to sleep and what to feed the baby if you run out of milk. Breastfeeding help would be ideal when you are exhausted after the birth of the baby. You would also gain immensely from the advice of lactation consultants at this stage.

Lactation consultants are available either in hospitals or in the office of a pediatrician. They also work privately and it is advisable for first time mothers to consult them shortly after the birth of the baby so that proper breastfeeding techniques are adopted from the very beginning. It is essential to know about latch-on basics but merely reading text and seeing pictures might not be of great help. Instead, if voluntary breastfeeding counselors show you the techniques practically, you would be in a much better position to feed your baby properly and also avoid latch-on problems such as sore nipples and the baby getting less milk. Lactation services are also provided by many hospitals as a component of their maternity schemes.

Lactation consultants can provide proper breastfeeding help and breastfeeding tips if your baby finds it difficult to latch-on or suck or if some other medical problems are making it difficult for the baby to breastfeed. All that you need to do is to look around, make some queries and find a good and experienced lactation expert. You can take the help of your childbirth educator, or the health care provider for finding the best lactation consultant in your area. It’s important to check the credentials of the lactation consultant and you should look for the credentials IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant) or CLC (certified lactation consultant) after the name.

Many nursing mothers get specific problems regarding breastfeeding. These problems need special devices such as pumps or breast shells to facilitate the discharge of the milk. A lactation consultant is the best person who can guide the mother on the proper use of the breastfeeding pump and how to eliminate the problem that created the need for the external device.

There are many volunteer organizations like La Leche Volunteers that provide breastfeeding help either on the telephone or through support meetings. Many leaflets and books are also published by them to provide breastfeeding help to the mothers and to give all possible information and support to the mothers who can gain sufficient confidence and practical knowledge. By attending the monthly meetings, the mothers can interact with each other and exchange notes based on their personal experiences. Moreover, the mothers can gain proper knowledge regarding positioning of the baby near the breast, public place breastfeeding and general tips regarding mothering.

You can get the best breastfeeding help only from professionals and as such you should turn to such lactation experts or to the volunteer organizations that have sufficient experience in this field.

By: Apurva Shree  -   About the Author :
  If you have any doubts related to breastfeeding, do not worry because you can seek breastfeeding help from lactation consultants. You can either speak to your doctor or seek online breastfeeding help from volunteer organizations that would provide you more information and details about breastfeeding on issues such as, latch-on basics, using a breastfeeding pump. Search online for breastfeeding counselors or good books on breastfeeding. Pregnancy provides more information on breastfeeding and pregnancy related issues.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

A Journey Through Infant Development: the Third Month


I continue to be amazed by the huge strides that my little baby boy is making. Child development happens so quickly! When I see an infant who is younger than my little guy, I realize just how much he has grown in such a short time. He’s stronger, has better vision, and definitely knows when he’s been left alone! As you read through the new developments he has made, pay attention to whether these are things you see in your child. Are any of them missing?

There is nothing cooler than when your daddy comes home. You’ll be sitting happily in your bouncy seat, and when your eyes catch your daddy your face brightens up like you just received the best gift ever. Your legs start kicking, your arms start flailing, and squeals begin to erupt out of your mouth. I don’t think you even realize you’re doing all these things, but you just can’t contain yourself when you see daddy.

Your self-awareness has increased immensely. Suddenly you notice when you’ve been left alone in a room. You start off with a little squeal as if to say, “I’m still here, don’t forget about me”. Then the squeal turns into a little angrier vocalization: “Hey, where is everybody? I’m over here by myself!” If I continue to lignore you, the angry vocalization becomes a little more amplified like, “Hey, I want to join the party!” It doesn’t take long, and you are crying in complete disappointment that you’ve been left out of all the excitement. In the meantime I may have gotten half of the dishwasher emptied. As soon as I come to get you, as long as you can see all the activity going on, you are happy. You’ve gotten pretty used to your sisters entertaining you all the time!

You are beginning to read and understand facial expressions. When I smile at you, you give me a beautiful smile back. If I ignore you for a moment or become very serious, then you withdraw from the interaction as well. It’s amazing to me that you already know whether or not I’m paying attention to you.

If both of your sisters are playing with you, you are quickly able to shift your gaze between them to share your excitement (or sometimes distress when they are being a little obnoxious). They like to show you toys now because you are more interested in them. You will look between the toys and their faces to share your appreciation and receive feedback about what they are doing with you. It’s so fun to see you all play nicely together.

The comments at the grocery store have changed from “Oh, a little newborn” or “That’s a new one!” to “Wow, every time I walk by he smiles at me. What a happy little guy!” I watch you as you follow the movements through the store, and remain constantly stimulated by all the activity. This doesn’t overwhelm you, though it tires you out as you process all the new information and you shift quietly into a refreshing little nap. I love taking you to the store alone so I can talk to you and pay attention to you. Your sisters tend to steal my attention if I bring you all along!

Watching a child develop along a neuro-typical pathway is an amazing journey. Daily s/he makes gains, and those gains can easily go unnoticed as quickly as life goes by. You may read these reflections and think that your child doesn’t do many of these things and/or your feelings toward your child aren’t the same. Does your child upset easily? Do you dread having alone time with him/her? Does your child fail to notice you and your facial expressions? If so, the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI ®) program is what you need. RDI ® begins by looking at these early milestones and helping you and your child fill in the gaps that were missed the first time.

By: Michelle Vanderheide, BSW  -   About the Author :
  Autism specialist Michelle VanderHeide, of the Horizons Developmental Remediation Center, provides practical information and advice for families living with autism and other developmental disabilities. If you are ready to reduce your stress level, enrich your child’s development, and improve your family’s quality of life, get your FREE reports now at ==>

A Journey Through Infant Development: the First 12 Weeks

I am currently enjoying the amazing experience of having newborn development right under my nose. My son is now 12 weeks old, and I see such amazing differences in him on a daily basis. It’s incredible how much children grow and develop in only a few weeks time. No wonder babies sleep so much given the amount they are learning each day! We would all have to sleep that much if we were processing and learning everything for the first time! As my little guy is growing, I’ve taken some time to reflect on what I’ve seen so I can share this information with him when he’s older. Here are my notes to my son about his early development:

2 weeks old: You are growing so much! I just love to cuddle with you on the couch as you sleep, but it doesn’t happen often with two older sisters in the house. I treasure the time I spend with you in the middle of the night when the house is dark and quiet. I’ll be happy to sleep through the night again, but I know it won’t be long before you are awake more often during the day and will be more interested in other things than cuddling with your mom.

4 weeks old: You are starting to be awake more now. You are eating more, which is helping you sleep longer stretches at night. You’re vision is obviously getting clearer, as you are beginning to notice our faces. I can’t wait to see you smile for the first time. I know it’s coming soon!

6 weeks old: What a difference two weeks makes! You are now smiling, but it’s not without effort. It makes you very tired to figure out that beautiful facial expression. I’ll start talking to you with a smile, and you’ll respond with your lips out, then a kick, then your head turns to the side, then your arms flair out, then a yawn—and then, for one precious second, you’ll give me a smile while looking right at me. That second passes quickly, and you’ve done all you can for the time you are awake. Another yawn and you are ready to rest. I’m ok with that, because I know there are more to come when you wake again.

8 weeks old: You smile all the time now! It’s amazing how easily the smile comes compared to two weeks ago. When your dad walks near you, your arms and legs start moving and a big beautiful smile radiates across your face. We can’t get enough of that beautiful smile, and yet already we are pushing for a little giggle. It’s starting to come now. I hear a little grunt, and I can tell you want to giggle but aren’t quite sure what those funny sensations of a tickle are yet. We love the beginning sounds of your giggle, and are anticipating you laughing soon.

10 weeks old: You have been nick-named ‘guy smiley,’ because anytime you see someone you give a big radiating smile. You are now giggling easily, and your sisters love to make you laugh. You are following a typical developmental path, as it’s already evident that you enjoy the dynamic world. What once made you giggle (other than tickles) is no longer as funny; we have to work harder or try something new. It’s the new, unexpected things that make you giggle. It’s amazing to me how you are already picking up on patterns in your life and anticipate the continuance of something you enjoy. Your dad was tickling you the other day, and when he would pause before he tickled you would giggle in anticipation. It’s so fascinating to see this already!

12 weeks old: You are now visually scanning and tracking what’s in the environment all the time. Lying down is getting boring because you can’t see what’s going on around you. You love to sit in your exersaucer and watch your sisters play, but you do get tired quickly in it as you are still developing head and neck strength. It won’t be long before you’re bouncing up and down in it. You are also beginning to notice toys, which is new this week. You like the black and white visual contrast, and are more interested in toys with faces than toys without. You are also starting to vocalize, and you love to play with the intonation of your voice. The baby babble is so cute!

If you are the parent of a child with autism, reading about the developmental progress I’m noticing in my infant may be difficult for you. It may cause you to stop and reflect on the fact that some of these developmental milestones are not yet in place for your child. To me, this is one of the most important reasons to choose Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)® as your primary treatment approach. You will learn to guide your child to develop these critical developmental milestones that occur in the early months and years of life. You will receive guidance to understand your child’s development in a new way, and to begin building the foundations necessary for more advanced communication and relationships. Is your child missing some of the milestones I’m seeing in my son? If so, RDI® can help you fill in those gaps so that you and your child can get back on the neurotypical pathway and have a second chance at development.
By: Michelle Vanderheide, BSW  -   About the Author :
Autism specialist Michelle VanderHeide, of the Horizons Developmental Remediation Center, provides practical information and advice for families living with autism and other developmental disabilities. If you are ready to reduce your stress level, enrich your child’s development, and improve your family’s quality of life, get your FREE reports now at ==>

Monday, 4 April 2011

Breastfeeding Mums Need To Talk!

Breastfeeding can be an isolating experience. A new mum, breastfeeding for the first time, can feel cut off from family and friends if they are unsupportive or simply do not understand her motives.

All too often it is assumed that a breastfeeding mum will scurry off to do the deed behind a locked door and well out of sight. And God forbid she utters the phrase, "I'm Breastfeeding!" Men avert their eyes and women smile as they shuffle their feet and move the conversation swiftly along! So much for breastfeeding support amongst peers!

Most mums choosing to breastfeed their babies do so because they have been made aware of the lifelong advantages of breastfeeding. But when it comes to the task itself, many feel they have no-one to turn to for information and advice when things are not going as planned. For that reason, a lot of breastfeeding mums give up breastfeeding prematurely.

The World Health Organisation recommends exclusively breastfeeding babies for the first six months of their lives. But many are only breastfed for a few days or weeks.

It is vital that breastfeeding mums have a supportive and informative network of people to ask for help.

And that is where Breastfeeding Support Groups come into their own.

A well- organised breastfeeding support group will cater for a variety of women from varied backgrounds. It will educate women thinking about breastfeeding whilst they are pregnant and it will also cater for novice and more experienced breastfeeders.

Breastfeeding support groups allow women and their babies to come together in a relaxed atmosphere, to enjoy congenial conversation. Women are encouraged to discuss breastfeeding issues and, as a result, breastfeeding mums help one another to bypass barriers placed along the path.

Breastfeeding mums need to talk about breastfeeding in order to bring their experiences into the wider community. It is only by chatting about breastfeeding in an open and honest way with one another that it will become more acceptable. If more women are given the opportunity to access breastfeeding support groups then breastfeeding statistics will surely rise.

And who knows, maybe today's breastfed babies will become confident breastfeeding mums of tomorrow, free of the hang-ups prevalent in today's society regarding breastfeeding!

By: Sinead Hoben  -   About the Author :
  Sinead Hoben is the proud mum of three beautiful children aged 6 years, 3 years and 9 months old, all of whom were breastfed. A qualified teacher, she now runs her own website,, offering breastfeeding information and advice to both breastfeeding and expectant mums. Visit her blog, to read her musings about setting up and daily life as a busy mum!

Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Motherhood is one of the major milestones in a woman’s life. It marks a turn of events where your priority now becomes your children. As a mother, you must endow your child with an environment where he will be able to maximize his potential. Everything that your child will become in the future will depend on how you care for him. Let us start with the basic need of your child – food.

Breastfeeding is one among the finest things that you can provide to your child. Breast milk contains nutrients and antibodies. It is also economical and will help in the normal return of your uterus to its previous size. Breastfeeding protects your baby from infection and allergies.

With our lifestyle today, even though mothers want to breastfeed, some are just so busy that even if they want to breastfeed their child, they are just too tired. Some will just resort to buying formula or expressing their breast milk and storing them in containers. Breastfeeding is highly recommended because it has many advantages to both the mother and the baby. How does breastfeeding help both the mother and the child? Below are breastfeeding benefits:

Can breastfeeding help reduce heart diseases in women?

Yes, studies show that breastfeeding lessens the risk for heart diseases in women.

Can breastfeeding help lessen the risk for endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancer and osteoporosis?


How can breastfeeding help in postpartum hemorrhage?

Breastfeeding help in uterine contraction which prevents bleeding.

Is it true that breastfeeding help strengthen the bond between mother and child?

Yes, breastfeeding helps in developing a very strong bond between mother and child.

Can breastfeeding help in contraception?

Although not perfect, breastfeeding can be a form of contraception.

How does breastfeeding help a child’s immune system?
A breastfed child is healthier and does not easily get sick. Can breastfeeding help save time?

There are no preparations necessary unlike in formula milk.

Breastfeeding is free!

If you are a new mom, decide whether you want to breastfeed or bottle-feed your child. Weigh both sides of the coin. After all, we are dealing with the health of your baby. That is the top priority.

If you have finally decided to breastfeed you child, here are some breastfeeding tips that will guide you and help make breastfeeding easier:

Your breast may feel swollen a few days after birth. The remedy to this is breastfeeding. If possible, nurse after giving birth. It is suggested that you room-in with your baby. Ensure that the latch on is properly done so that baby will be able to drink well and you will not feel so much soreness that is usually associated with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding tips involve the different ways to hold your baby. Ensure that you are both comfortable in the position that you choose. Babies need to be breastfed frequently so do not restrict feeding. This is the time where your baby needs all the nutrients that he/she can get. Another one of the breastfeeding tips is to avoid the use of artificial nipples to prevent nipple confusion to the baby. Take the opportunity to rest when your baby is asleep. Among the very important breastfeeding tips, one of them is to drink plenty of water. Your nipples might get sore. Avoid tight clothing or fitted bras to promote healing of sore nipples. One among the many breastfeeding tips that you must remember when you are nursing is to use pillows to support you and your baby to prevent strain on your back or shoulders. If you are feeling pain, try re-positioning your infant’s mouth to your breast. Be careful of the medicines that you take because they will go into your breast milk. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as well.

The breastfeeding tips mentioned will surely be a big help to new mothers. Mothering is a full-time job. Babies can only cry so you must attend to their every need and be sensitive to whatever it is that is bothering them.

By: Sandra Wilson  -   About the Author :
  You can visit AHA! baby to find more resources on breastfeeding help and breastfeeding tips.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

The Basics of Helping your 5 Month Infant Sleep Throughout the Night

Does it seem as though you will never be able to help your 5 month infant sleep all night so you can get some much needed rest? Don’t despair, I have been there four times and I have found some simple steps you can use to help your 5 month infant sleep at night.

Babies will often awake during the night and will want to eat. In order to help your 5 month infant sleep more and be alert less during the night, there are a few things you can do:

Have the baby in a darkened room during the evening. Try to avoid stimulation as much as possible. Be quiet and low key when the baby wakes. Simply tend to his needs for sleeping, changing or feeding. Lay the baby back down for sleeping; don't play with the baby when he wakes in the night.

If you only get one idea from this article make it this one; you need to try to put your baby to sleep while he is still awake. Try to avoid having your baby fall asleep before you put him down. If you put your baby to bed awake, it will easily learn how to fall asleep without your help and your baby will sleep much better and longer

One of the most important things to do is ensure your baby is comfortable in bed. Establish a good sleep routine, make sure baby's crib is comfortable and make sure his room is never too hot or cold. These are some simple things you can do to make sure your baby feels safe and secure. They will go a long way in helping your 5 month infant sleep peacefully.

Your baby is growing more mature every week, and by 12 to 18 weeks of age, if you have fed your baby enough food before she goes to sleep, she will be less likely to wake in the middle of the night expecting to be fed again. To help your 5 month infant sleep through the night, I recommend that you give her a good feeding at the same time each night, between ten and midnight. After the feeding is complete, put her in her crib, while she is still awake.

I hope that you will take this information and use it to help your 5 month infant sleep longer and get some much needed sleep yourself. In this the information age there are unlimited resources you can tap into and find more tips on how to help your 5 month infant sleep. A word of caution though; you must chose what advice to follow with great care and careful consideration.

Do you wonder whether you'll ever sleep all the way through the night again? Relax! I have found you a reassuring guide that provides the essential information you need to help your <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="">5 month infant sleep</a> -- and stay asleep -- all night long. So cheer up: go to <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href=""></a> -- a good night's sleep is just a few short pages away!

By: Peter Dugan  -   About the Author :
  I have found the best guide to help you and your infant sleep through the night; you can find more info here: