Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Teaching Patience (3)

Teaching Patience

3. Relax about the cleanliness  and tidiness of the house.

A common concern for new mothers is to be able to do as much in the house when you have the baby as you were able to before the baby came along. For most women, prior to the baby’s arrival, they were at work full time. Of course they managed to run a house and keep it clean and everything else that goes with it and hold down a full time job.

A common thought is “I’ll be home all day. I’ll probably get bored. Of course I’ll be able to do everything”.

How much time caring for a baby takes up can be surprising. Even when others inform you of how it was for them, it can seem unreal that this little person takes up so much time, energy and patience. Often times you will feel like you are doing nothing but holding them. 
This is an important part of caring for a newborn. It is the crux of their care. 
Newborns are building trust and cuddling them is part of it. 
Feeding also takes a long time initially. As time goes on, they get more mature and you develop a system or routine, it does take less time.
Some women have a plan of doing one thing a day. This might be to vacuum the lounge on Monday, Wash on Tuesday, do the bathroom on Wednesday etc.
Others elect to get a cleaner once a week, fortnight or once a month even just to do the basics.
Of course if friends or family offer to help out with this we encourage to take them up on the offer.

For extra tips visit insyncwithinfants.com

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