Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Early tired signs

Early tired signs

Are early tired signs really that important?       

Early tired signs are essential to your baby settling more easily for sleep!
Recognising and responding to your baby’s tired signs is vitally important. It is the difference between putting a tired baby to bed and battling for hours to soothe an overtired, cranky baby.

The signs that baby is tired are an early warning system for parents. If you respond in time then your tired baby will go to sleep easily. It sounds simple, and it is, if you know what to look for.

Early tired signs happen earlier than you think

Your baby tells you that they need sleep. A lot of parents think they have caught the early tired signs but when I come and help them with their baby’s sleep, they are surprised with my idea of early tired signs. Often the signs baby is tired appear much sooner than they think.

Why is it so important to catch early tired signs?  

When you see early tired signs your baby will still look happy and relaxed.  It is easier to go to sleep when you are relaxed than when you are overtired.

Trust me, recognising early tired signs is essential to great sleep and a happy baby!

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