Why are grandparents so important? Because grandparents have knowledge, experience and wisdom. They have lived life and seen and done many things. They have come full circle and usually realise that life is meant to be fun. Grandparents (be they younger or older) want to have fun.
Most importantly grand parents usually love grandchildren unconditionally and usually don’t have the responsibility of doing the hard parenting stuff. They love us as we are and can feel like a friend rather than a boring adult.
Grandparents get to do all this fun stuff with grandkids but not have the responsibility that parenting brings. This can help grandparents develop loving, trusting relationships with grandchildren that can allow the sharing of wisdom and guidance through example and explicit teaching across a grandchild’s life. Grandparents can be the subtle mediator when parent and child lock horns, knowing and loving both parties. Grandparents can be the difference between resolving a family conflict and conflict getting out of hand.
Have you ever hear the expression, ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’? Sometimes parenting is a bit like that. Grandparents have the advantage of seeing their child and grandchild from a slight distance and this can allow for objective, loving help.
Most of us have had the privilege of meeting our grand parents, however sadly for some this was not possible or didn’t happen. Preserving memories or traditions can be a great way to keep passed grandparents in the lives of their grandchildren. Tell their stories, use their sayings, bake their recipes, little things that add up to another loving presence in the life of a child.
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